Non Hawaii residents, at the door: $145. Online presale: $110 – use code ECSTATICFLOW
Hawaii Residents Kama'aina, at the door: $120. Online presale: $95 – use code ECSTATICOHANA
This retreat has been the most impactful, transformative experience of my life. Everything has changed. I am just sooo blissful and energetically cleared out, and use so many of the tools you gave us every day, it’s incredible. I have a completely different relationship to the world now. I’ve become sensual and loving, everyone and everything is responding beautifully to this new me…
Anna Lewis
We've never felt as authentic as in this retreat. Fucking awesome. Upleveling. Life will never be the same again.
Klemen Thomas & Leonie Gabriella
The amount of insights, experiences, lessons & confrontations were magical to say the least. I’ve witnessed the most closed of hearts opening up in a safe environment which they skillfully facilitate. Everyone should do this retreat at least once.
Bambos Demetriou
If, by the Grace of this good Universe, you have the opportunity to go to this Retreat – GO! I promise you, it will change your life. It sure changed mine.
Ariane Elizabeth
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